Celiac 101:
Crash Course

Newly Diagnosed with Celiac Disease? This course will give you FAST and EFFECTIVE ANSWERS and ADVICE you need NOW to make quick adjustments in the first few weeks of being diagnosed.

Instant Access - (learn in under 2 hours)

Hi, I'm Bonnie

I know, in the beginning Celiac Disease is daunting. There is so much to learn, so much to adjust to. From shopping, to socializing, to always having to avoid gluten.

It’s not easy and can leave you confused, overwhelmed, frustrated and angry!

Having lived this way for 10 years as a Celiac, I want to teach you everything I know from a Celiac perspective and with my training as a nutritional health coach, so you can make those FAST changes in a healthy way.

That is why I have made a simple, quick course that will teach you everything you need to know in the first few weeks after your diagnosis.

Take a look at the course overview

 A brief introduction and a warm welcome video.

We start with how to set up your shared kitchen since this is the most common way people live.

Learn about what foods are gluten-free and what aren't; how to read labels so you can identify gluten; Gluten/wheat in skincare-when you need to be cautious; When a label says "May contain wheat/gluten"; Medication: hidden gluten

What it its cross contamination; some ways it happens; How to avoid it and what to do when you are glutened (resource hands out to share with friends and family on cross contamination)

In this module you'll learn how Celiac Disease affects your social life, How to build a support system, traveling and vacationing safely with Celiac Disease, ordering confidently at restaurants and dine out safely. with scripts

You will learn about Common nutritional deficiencies with Celiac Disease and Tips for a healthy diet

How to take care of your gut and heal it.

You will learn how to advocate your needs as a Celiac, how to say no to food (and when you may have to) with scripts

How to cope with the emotions that come with Celiac and how to live with this condition year after year to avoid burnout.

Is this course for you?

  • You are a newly diagnosed Celiac who is feeling overwhelmed, lost and panicky
  • You want a self-paced course
  • You want the experience of someone who understands what it is like to live with Celiac disease and who has been doing it for a long time
  • You want to learn fast so you can get on with your life
  • You want to learn about food safety and how to protect yourself from cross contamination.
  • You want to be able to eat out, travel,  and have a social life.
  • you want something simple, uncomplicated, fast.
  • You are looking for meal plans
  • You are not sure if you have Celiac Disease
  • You want an in depth course (take my Clueless to confident course for that)
  • You already know how to read labels, how to identify gluten, how to manage social events
  • you feel confident
  • You’re not ready to take your condition seriously and accept it while transitioning
  • Specific results (This is an educational course) and designed to help you manage your transition but the work is up to you.


USD $49 (R950 ZAR)

Your Life Before the course

Your Life After the course


USD $49 (R950 ZAR)

F&A about the course

It takes time to sit and google and ask questions on support groups and read tons of websites. I know, I did that once.With a course, you have all the correct and trusted information from someone who has training and who is living with this condition at your fingertips. Learn from someone who has experienced the same struggles and challenges you are currently going through. There is no better teacher than Experience

How long it takes is up to you since it is a self paced course. You could easily complete it one day. It comes with Downloadable PDF’s you can keep for life.

This course is designed to educate you. It is not meant to treat, cure or diagnose anything nor does it offer you a specific result such as gut repair, healing, or a specific protocol to follow.

Due to the nature of this course, there are strictly NO refunds offered. Please be 100% sure when you purchase this course.

I have designed the course to be universal so that no matter where you are in the world, you can benefit. As Celiac’s we all face the same challenges.


I already have a fully comprehensive course The Clueless to confident celiac course, so this course is a QUICK course that focuses on the basics of what you need to know so you can adjust quickly. No videos, only written lessons with printable PDF’s. Emphasis is on quick.

Celiac 101: crash course

Transition Fast and adjust quickly to your new Lifestyle