Terms for Online Webinars

1. No refunds or exchanges are given.

2. No part of the webinar (video, audio, text, photo’s, slides, images, recording) may be downloaded, shared, copied, sold or distributed. Doing so constitutes fraud.

3. The PDF may not be copied, sold, shared, distributed, uploaded in any format at any time. This is copyrighted material.

4. Should the host not be able to present the webinar live on the said date, a recorded version will be presented at the same time and should this also not be possible then you will be notified of the new date.

5. It is your responsibility to install Zoom (the platform the webinar is hosted on) and know how to use it.

6. Please mute yourself throughout the entire presentation. Cameras will be allowed to be kept on ONLY before the presentation starts.

7. Please do not un-mute yourself or put your camera on during the presentation as this creates a distraction for the host and other participants. Camera’s also use a lot of bandwidth and slow the connection speed down for everybody, which is why it is best left off.

8. Please note that it remains your responsibility to check your internet connection. I have a backup system so that should their be a powder outage, I can still hold the presentation, since everyone’s circumstance is different, if you are unable to join, you will be notified of the recording.

9. The webinar will be recorded and so if for any reason you cannot join it live, you will be sent the details to watch the recording.

10. Please note that I am a certified health coach. All information given on the webinar is only for education purposes and does not constitute any form of 1:1 coaching, cure, treatment or diagnosis. It is your responsibility to check with your health care provider for any tests and diagnostic practices. These differ from health care practitioner and from country to country.

11. Please try and join 10-15 minutes before the start of the presentation to make admission easier and to check your connection. Please note that I am doing the admission as well, so please be patient if you are  not admitted straight away. There might be a delay in admitting you once the presentation is underway.

12. You are welcome to use the chat box during the presentation to ask any questions, but please note that these will either be addressed after the webinar or I can email you with the answers.

Bountifully Healthy 2022
