Holistic Nutritional Health Coaching

I Help you to develop daily healthy habits in all avenues of life so that you can achieve better physical and mental health.

What is Nutrigenetics about?

We are all born with a unique DNA code which is a template used to make proteins. We have about 3 billion base pairs of genes, 99.9% of which are the same in all people. It is that 0.1% that sets us apart from each other.

Our DNA does not change in our lifetime, but what does change is the expression of our genes. What can change gene expression? This is known as epigenetics. These are factors, both internal, like genetic enzymes and and external factors like our diet, lifestyle and environment.

A SNP, or single nucleotide polyphormism is when there is a change at a particular position in the genome. These SNP’s occur on average once in every 300 nucleotides. They can act as a biological marker indicating predispositions or risks.

Nutrigenetics is the study of how your genes affect the way your body responds to the food you eat and includes nutraceticals.  Think of it this way: just as everyone has a unique fingerprint, each person also has unique genetic makeup that influences how they process nutrients. Some people might digest carbs better, while others may need more vitamins or struggle with certain fats, all because of differences in their genes.

Through Nutrigenetics, we can personalize your diet to fit your genetic profile. This means that instead of following a one-size-fits-all diet, you can eat in a way that works best for your unique body, thus improving your health and preventing certain diseases.


What is Holistic Nutritional Health coaching?

We look at the whole, not the part.

  • your unique genetic code as this gives you a insightful foundation tool to use going forward.
  • We also look into the gut-brain axis as this affects every part of your health, both physical and mental.
  • We address all epigenetic factors like mindset, diet, nutrition, lifestyle, environment, sleep, exercise and stress management.

Hi there,

I'm Bonnie

I’m so glad you found me! A warm welcome!

I am a nutrional health coach and nutrigenetic practitioner. What this means is that I use the power of DNA testing to help you make changes in your diet, lifestyle and environment to improve both your physical and mental health

“Wellness is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” – The World Health Organization.

My 5-pillar approach:

Working with me is for you if...

My Self Paced courses

This is a quick course you can complete in one day. It is designed to give you fast information you need on such things as reading food labels, kitchen setup, dining out, travel and cross contamination. From a fellow Celiac to another. Practical advise on coping with everyday challenges you will face having to adjust to life with Celiac Disease

This is a comprehensive course for those wanting to dig a bit deeper. It includes all the guidance on adjusting to Celiac diagnosis but also includes more like a module on gluten-free baking with 6 video masterclasses and over 60 of my own recipes.

Work with me:

One on one coaching

See my coaching services page

Genetic Testing

DNA genetic testing is a good foundation for your health journey and comes with recommednations on diet, lifestyle and supplement use.

Genetic Testing can give you insight into core aspects of your health to prevent disease, make better choices to optimize your health. Your genes are unique and so is your health journey. DNA tests cover a broad spectrum of health concerns or priorities.

I hope you know what value you've added to the whole experience, Bonnie. You're very good at what you do and you should be so proud of yourself throwing yourself into this realm like you have. Thank you.

-DNA core/min/estrogen Genetic test feedback



Thanks Bonnie for helping me put the pieces together so that the healing can begin. You have helped me understand the effects of food inside my body and motivated me not to give up. I have been to so many professionals for help and you are the first person who picked up I may be Celiac. After getting a positive result from my blood tests I have even more confidence in your ability as my coach! Thank you.



I had been doing all my research on my own. I wanted a more all-around approach to addressing Celiac disease and to learn more about how nutrients can play a roll in my healing and the other things that could be impacting my health. I have been learning so much from you and it has been empowering!

