5 Important things you need to know about Celiac Disease

Disclaimer: This is an educational and informative post, nothing in it is meant to take the place of medical treatment, neither does it claim to treat, cure or diagnose any condition.

1.Celiac Disease is Genetic.

That means it’s hereditary and is passed on from parent to child. Immediate family members are at a higher risk of also developing it should they also carry the genetics. It is stronger in the female line.


2. Celiac Disease is an autoimmune condition.

However it can be controlled by a strict lifelong avoidance of gluten. Unfortunately, due to cross contamination this is not always possible and most will experience being glutened from time to time.


3. Symptoms for Celiac Disease vary from person to person.

These symptoms can be gastrointestinal such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain, bloating and gas. They can also be neurological such as brain fog, poor memory, confusion, poor concentration. Neuropathy such as tingling in the hands and feet. Not everyone develops all theses symptoms and some are also asymptomatic.


4. Celiac Disease can cause long term damage in some people, other than damage to the gut lining.

Some examples are hormone imbalance, thyroid problems (leading to Hashimoto Thyrdoiditis)dental damage, alopecia, social anxiety and eating disorders due to fear of food and you are at a greater risk to develop other autoimmune conditions.It is important you seek the correct medical and mental care.


5. Celiacs often have the same problems in their biological pathways

As a genetic practitioner, I have noticed that many with Celiac Disease have similar problems in biological pathways such as inflammation, detoxification, oxidative stress, and poor vitamin metabolism. Taking a genetic test can help you to see how you can improve your health overall.

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