People who avoid failure, also avoid success.
You can let fear hold you back or you can let it teach you.
People who avoid failure, also avoid success. Read More »
You can let fear hold you back or you can let it teach you.
People who avoid failure, also avoid success. Read More »
Thoughts are so powerful. They are the stepping stones to behavior, to emotions and to habits. Change your thoughts to change your behavior. It all begins with what we feed ourselves. If we fill our mind with positive, healthy thoughts, we will have a better chance of developing healthier behaviors. Our thoughts are fueled by so many external factors too like our association, work, entertainment (what we watch, read, social media etc). We can control to some extent the external factors that influence our thoughts. Get rid of things that fuel negative thoughts. Toxic relationships, instagram accounts, Tv shows, books-whatever you can. It takes constant effort to do so. Daily we are bombarded by negativity, stress, anxiety that weighs us down. Here is an exercise you can do anytime and anywhere. When a negative thought pops into your head, analyze it. Ask yourself: what purpose is this thought serving? What emotion is it causing me to feel? Is it true? Is it beneficial? If it’s not serving a purpose, if it’s causing negative emotions and if it’s not beneficial or true, consciously dismiss it but replace it with a positive counter thought. Doing this over and over again will help to form new thought patterns. Some counter attack for negative thoughts I use: exercise, being in nature, baking, doing something for someone else, prayer. Activities that get our mind off things helps tremendously. Do this when you’re battling with anxious or distorted thoughts. Need help with your mindset? As part of my coaching, I use cognitive behavorial coaching which is based on the principals of CBT. I can help. Use the contact form to get in touch.
The power of your thoughts Read More »
We can’t get to our dreams without putting in the effort. The process of taking small steps is what will make the dream a reality. But it does take: *consistency *determination *effort *self discipline Many people think “work” when they hear those words and so they don’t try and then wonder why they never reach their dreams. It is not because they are impossible or out of reach, but rather it is because they fail to recognize the power lies within changing their mindset around the HOW. How am I going to get there? The HOW lies within ourselves. Change your mindset and you will change your actions.
The distance between your dreams and reality is called action Read More »
The power of keeping a journal. How keeping a journal can help you in your life. You can also download a free workbook.
The power of keeping a Journal Read More »
Are you struggling with a health condition? Are you’re at the point where you want to give up because it’s too hard or you just don’t know what to do anymore? These health issues may be the result of something out of our control or could be something we may have done that has caused it. The health issues I am talking about today are conditions that are modifiable by changing various aspects like nutrition, exercise, sleep and mindset. Conditions that can be helped by implementing new habits. So I am not talking about life threatening health conditions or conditions that need specific medical care and supervision. When we struggle with a health condition, we normally get to a point where we face one of two choices: We can look at our situation and deem it as hopeless. Thinking there is no way out, I’m not getting better, I can’t make the changes, I don’t know how to make the changes. It’s hopeless. I’m not going to bother anymore. I’m going to give this my attention and do what I can to fix it. I will get the help I need to change my situation. The choice we make The first option, while at first may appear to be easier is actually not the easiest option. When we give up on ourselves instead of fighting for our health, we create more problems. We stay stuck and sick. Going around in circles and never actually making much progress. However the second option is by far the better as let’s face it, nobody is going to change your health for you. Not your spouse, friend or your doctor. We get the help we need and we overcome the challenges we face and go onto live a healthier life. At the end of the day it comes down to you. Holding yourself accountable for your own health.So if you are at that stage where you are thinking of giving up or maybe you have already, please know it’s not too late. It’s never too late to do something proactive for yourself. Accountability and Motivation If you are struggling with the accountability and the motivation and finding that you just don’t know where to begin, a health coach can help you hold yourself accountable, so that you can discover your strengths and find ways to overcome the challenges you are facing. A health coach can encourage you so that you can get back up and running again and will guide you so that eventually you are making sustainable changes on your own without relying on the support of the coach or others. So please reach out and get the help you need, remember it’s never too late. See my health coaching service page and make a booking for a free discovery call (South Africa only)
Health struggles and the choices we have… Read More »