Let me introduce myself…
My name is Bonnie. I am a certified health coach. I’m also so many other things like a wife, mom, baker, writer, journal-maker, Interior Decorator, computer nerd, cat lover, coffee drinker, hiker, nature-lover. Oh and I have Celiac Disease.
That brings me today
Celiac Disease is the reason I am here today…having started this website and having taken a course to become a certified Health Coach. It’s taken a long time to get here and I can’t say I ever had an inkling that I would have ended up here! But it’s funny how life works out. Two and a half years ago, I made a big leap by starting my own Gluten-free bakery from home and it’s been a lovely time but it also made me realize that much as I love baking and love providing people with gluten-free food that they can enjoy, it was always more about the help and support I wanted to give about Celiac Disease and gluten intolerance. The Food was just a small part of that.
Health became a life-long learning curve for me when I discovered I was gluten intolerant. I was lost, scared, overwhelmed and confused. I didn’t know what to do or how to do it. I had to educate myself. Sure I had the support of my husband but it felt very much like I was in a vacuum. I didn’t know of a single other person who had this condition.
I finally knew what was wrong with me after years of being symptomatic and not knowing what it was. It was 14 years from the time I got my first persistent symptoms until my questions were answered! However, due to the damage from Celiac Disease, I developed Leaky gut which lead to depression, skin rashes, dental damage, hormone imbalance to name a few. It took a few years to come right and heal from all all of that.
Health Coaching
Fast forward to 2022 and here I am: Living with this autoimmune condition and helping to create awareness around it, and also helping others who have this condition or to get a diagnosis the correct way and how to live with this condition. It is still something that is being researched on constantly and things are always changing in the medical world when it comes to new information.
Celiac Disease affects different aspects of your life, including having a direct impact on your mental and emotional health, both of which are often over looked. Unless you live with this condition, you do not know how much and in what ways in affect you. Social anxiety, depression, and other autoimmune conditions can result.
If you’d like to learn more please follow me here or on my Instagram account to learn more. Also feel free to take a look at my service page and reach out for a free discovery call to see how I can help.